The Corinne's disclaimer

The Republic of the 10 Corinnes is not responsible for any and all harm one might incur while peeking into their brilliant if weird universe, please be prepared to deal with all that may happen to you.. common side effects include but are not limited to : laughter, incontrollable sobbing, complete puzzlement, utter astonishment, etc..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Great Sickness... and the medicine that made it worse.

Wednesday morning, last week, I woke up with a sore throat .... didn't think much of it as the rest of me was feeling pretty good. As the day went on, a cough was added to the sore throat, then a runny nose and finally a fever..... Fun times!! My mantra for that day? Don't panic... you are not getting sick, this is just a fluke!!! I hate it when I lie to myself!

Thursday came and it all got worst.... my day was spent in bed.... with chills running up and down my body (while I was under 3 blankets...) and my fever spiked. Dana came home to a nearly comatose wife... that must have been fun for him. So at this point my mantra changed to .... OK I am sick, but it can't last long, all will be well!! .... once again, I TOTALLY HATE lying to myself!!

Friday I was feeling so poorly that Dana elected to stay home just in case I decided to up and die on him.... who wants to come home to a corpse anyways?!?!? You'd never get that smell out of the sheets!! =D

And so it went, cough cough, sneeze, sneeze, blow nose.... blow nose some more... rinse and repeat!! Fever continued... went up and down.... chills continued and persevered.... little sleep followed. That certainly didn't help anything! 

Saturday arrived and a new sympton added itself to the afore mentioned menagerie.... an itchy painful rash!! Yeahy for me!! I am so lucky sometimes! :)

Well, Sunday came and went, with very little changes and an ever increasing rash.... with that in mind, Monday we decided to do something I haven't done in about 5 1/2yrs , we called a doctor and set up an appointment!!!  Finally putting to work that Health Insurance we have paying for!

Now, on a side note, let me quickly explain why I don't go to the doctor..... I have a wide and mostly unexplored hate/hate relationship with medication: aspirin, Tylenol, penicillin, antibiotics, cough syrup... you name it, for the most part I can't take it.  Everytime I have gone to the doctor, whatever they prescribed  (and yes, I always go into a detailed list of known incompatibilities and the subsequent allergic reaction) has resulted in an allergic reaction of varying degrees.  So what is the point of going to the doctor I ask you?!?!?  Not much point in it if you ask me.... but oh well..

So, getting back to the story..... the rash was just weird enough that we thought it would be good to have it checked...  The appointment was set and this time it was going to work, darn it all!!!

So we headed to the doctor... sat in the waiting room... followed a nice but distant nurse to the scale (why, oh why does that HAVE to be a step in seeing the doctor?!?!?) measured my height, then we  answered questions.... we waited some more.... the doctor came in, examined my rash, asked a lot more questions and left, another nurse came in, she was very nice... until she stabbed me in the throat with a Q-tip, I thought she was supposed to lightly "swab" the back of it... I didn't realize she was going for a killing blow!!! Many coughs/gags later, the doctor came back, prescribed some medicine, tried to sell me some sort of vaccination, no thank you, and then sent me to be exsanguinated! After giving away a lot of my life giving blood, guess I didn't need to have as much as I thought to survive (btw, first time getting blood drawn where she found the vein on the first try, it usually takes about 3-4 ) I was sent home, prescription in hand, to a speedy recovery!!! YEAHY, I might make my trip to San Diego after all!!! 

Oh wait, I don't think I had mentioned that yet! But yes, all this drama is mainly because I was trying to get better in hopes of being able to go to San Diego tomorrow. Fun, food and general relaxation was the order of business and we were going to meet Migey and Mindee down there so they could share all of that with us...

On our way home we stopped to pick up my prescription... question: how long does it take to grab a box of pills off the shelf put it in the bag, then count 15 pills of another medication and put those into a bottle, add that to the bag and give it to the waiting, SICK, patient?!?  approximately 40min... it's a good thing I wasn't terminal, otherwise I might have died waiting for the saving medication to be counted out!! :P

Finally got home, took the prescribed medication, had some food and laid down for some much needed rest.  About 3 hrs after the fact, a glance at a passing mirror revealed the horrible truth!!! No, this doctor's visit wasn't going to be any different. What had been a mild and irritating rash had now turned into bright red, angry hives that covered about 90% of my body, face included.... Freaking out ensued!! Panic showed up to the party and a righteous anger was coronated king of the Emotions!!!  So we called the clinic back and got the on call doctor, who fortunately was the one I had seen that day, so I was spared the task of having to explain all of the events of the day. She suggested that I take some Benadryl and see if that helped.  Another trip to the store... thankfully Benadryl is an over the counter medicine so we were able to skip the 40min wait time and just purchase the stupid thing..

Miracle of miracles, it actually worked and got rid fo the rash! Yeahy!!!   Unfortunately though, it only treats the symptoms so whenever its effects go away the rash returns.... redder, angrier, more painful and much much itchier!!  (is that a word?!?!?)

So now I am going to miss my San Diego trip, I am still sick, and I have a rash from hell that won't go away... fun times!

A big thanks goes to Dana for taking such good care of me while I have been sick! You are the best!

On a interesting note..... yesterday, authorities restrained and removed a 200lbs black bear romt he parking lot of an apartment complex a block from my doctors office, while we were there!!  Where it came from noone knows.... but it will be released back into the wild once the tranquillazer wears off!

I guess it was just fated to be a weird day!

Till next time.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

He said what?!?!?

Heard in Church today, during Sacrament meeting:
"Mommy, can we just go and sit in the car? This is boring."

Well, when I was little sitting in the car was a pretty harsh punishment.... what happened??!  It was pretty funny and cute though! :)

Till next time....