The Corinne's disclaimer

The Republic of the 10 Corinnes is not responsible for any and all harm one might incur while peeking into their brilliant if weird universe, please be prepared to deal with all that may happen to you.. common side effects include but are not limited to : laughter, incontrollable sobbing, complete puzzlement, utter astonishment, etc..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Where has the summer gone?

July 25th, 2012.... 9:30 am .... 65 degrees warm.  Where is my summer?!?!?

Apparently there was a vote back in the spring about whether or not we would have a summer here in Washington this year... I was not aware of this vote and I am not sure how I would have voted back then but I know how I would vote now! YES we want summer!! I guess not enough people were of that opion so summer has been voted out. What are we left with? Unpredictable cold/warm weather. Rain and even some hail... not to mention days where the temperature doesn't even reach 70 degrees.

Now, I love me a cool summer, I mean who wants to be hot and miserable for 3 months out of the year... but still... can't we go somewhere in between??!  I can probably count on both hands the number of summer days we've had.  Oh well... I am sure Finnighan is enjoying the cold summer, poor baby, if it was any hotter he might have expired from it, can you imagine having all that fur on while it's 90degrees?!?!

Other downside to a cold, rainy summer? We still need to mow the lawn every week!!! Where is the dead grass, I ask you?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. The dead grass, it is here in Missouri. It came with the heat when the rain left us.
