The Corinne's disclaimer

The Republic of the 10 Corinnes is not responsible for any and all harm one might incur while peeking into their brilliant if weird universe, please be prepared to deal with all that may happen to you.. common side effects include but are not limited to : laughter, incontrollable sobbing, complete puzzlement, utter astonishment, etc..

Friday, November 12, 2010

I am hungry!

A few months ago I decided to kick start my losing weight journey by trying the HCG diet. After seeing Michelle's results (you totally rock, btw) I was very excited to do it. It's 26 days of very strict dieting, but in the end you lose 20-30lbs, not a bad exchange if you ask me.  So at the end of my first round I had lost about 25lbs and vowed to never do it again.. "over my dead body" was my thought at the time.. I think. And here is why:
  1. I don't like drinking tea every morning, well, don't like tea at all.
  2. I love to cook, it relaxes me. There is very little cooking involved in this diet, after all you are only eating 500cal a day
  3. I am hungry all the time. The diet promises it will pass, it doesn't for me, sigh...
  4. I start having these really weird food dreams: talking french fries, dancing pizzas, melting icecream, spaghetti on skates... it is very bizzare and unsettling...
  5. Every movie, show, clip I watch seems to have some sort of delicious food in it, that I CAN'T eat!!!
  6. I get more headaches/migraines than usual
  7. It totally disrupts our schedule/routine
  8. Dana pretty much has to fend for himself for meals.
On the other hand there are some pretty nifty rewards for doing this diet:
  1. weight loss!! woot!!
  2. My stomach actually seems to not hate me so much (I have digestive problems or something)
  3. Very little clean up after meal preparation. ;)
  4. Weight loss!! (had to put it down twice, yes it's that exciting!!)
  5. There are plenty of veggies and fruit in our house!! (we tend to buy less of those when I am not on the diet as they substantially raise our food bill, sigh, why is the good/healthy food so much more expensive than all the processed crap?!?! pardon my french)
  6. WEIGHT LOSS!! (ok maybe 3 times is a little excessive, but it's my list so you are going to just have to deal with it! :P )
A few months after that I won a free kit from HCG, thank you very much Facebook!!  What to do then?!?! Well, not much to do but suck it up and do it again.

This brings us to the present. Day 5 on this blasted diet.. sigh... I am HUNGRY!! Other than that, I seem to have skipped the "headache for the first 10days" part of the program for which I am grateful. I have also decided to not follow their advice on no exercising and actually exercise, will have to see how I do with that, so far so good.

The plan is to lose about 30lbs this time around. Will have to skip the Thanksgiving festivities altogether as they fall right smack in the middle of the 26 days but it's ok, I don't really like turkey, will eat mashed potatoes if it's available but I dont' love it, don't care for gravy and don't like pumpkin pie. Sorry to all those that love the traditional Thanksgiving meal, it's just not my thing.

Oh, and did I mention I was hungry?!!? .....


  1. In the research Jill and Myself have done, the hcg might not actually help any aspect of the diet. In almost every study done, the placebo group lost just as much weight as the hcg group, and both groups complained a lot about being hungry. The hcg may have some effect or benefit, but in those two points, I don't think it really makes a difference. or it might work for just some people. I don't really know, I just know that if you eat 500 calories a day, you are going to loose weight. As far as working out goes, I would eat a little more than the 500 calories. It would suck to pass out right in the middle of a squat thrust.

  2. I always thought the HCG sounded like a placebo effect, like "If I take this magical unicorn chemical and then eat nearly nothing, I won't be hungry."

    500 calories a day is not enough to fuel your basic bodily functions properly, either. On the other hand, you can't argue with effectiveness.

